Where is TWFG Insurance headquartered?

TWFG Insurance Corporate Office
10055 Grogans Mill Rd.
Suite 500
The Woodlands, TX 77380

What year was TWFG Insurance founded?

Year founded: 2001

When did TWFG Insurance become a public company?

Year public: 2024

What exchange does TWFG Insurance trade on and what is its ticker symbol and CUSIP number?

Exchange, Ticker: Nasdaq Global Select Market, TWFG
CUSIP: 87318A 101

Are Class B and C shares traded on an exchange or available to be purchased?


What is the voting power of the different classes of TWFG Insurance stock?

Voting power: Class A and B shares have 1:1 voting rights. Class C shares have 10:1 voting rights

When does TWFG Insurance’s fiscal year end?

Fiscal year end: 12/31

How do I invest in TWFG Insurance Class A common stock?

TWFG Insurance Class A stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or other financial institution that offers brokerage services.

Who is TWFG Insurance’s registrar and transfer agent?

Registrar and Transfer agent: Continental Stock Transfer and Trust Company
Contact Information:
By Phone For Shareholders

By Email For Shareholders

By Address
1 State Street, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10004-1561

How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?

To make changes to a stock certificate please contact our transfer agent, Continental Stock Transfer and Trust Company

Who is TWFG Insurance’s auditor?

Deloitte & Touche, LLP

Does TWFG Insurance pay a dividend on its Class A common stock?


How do I get added to the distribution list for TWFG Insurance press releases and e-mail alerts?

Investors may sign-up on TWFG Insurance’s website to receive a variety of materials by e-mail, including press releases, SEC filings, dividend announcements and notice of quarterly earnings calls here.

How do I contact Investor Relations?

Please contact TWFG Insurance Investor Relations by email: IR@twfg.com

How do obtain a copy of the Annual Report, proxy and other financial reports?

In an effort to protect the environment and reduce paper consumption, TWFG Insurance provides electronic copies of all SEC filings on its website here.

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